Prof. Ariela Gordon-Shaag (Ph.D)

Prof. Ariela Gordon-Shaag (Ph.D)

College President

Prof. Ariela Gordon-Shaag (Ph.D)

Prof. Gordon-Shaag completed her BA at Columbia University with a major in Chemistry (1990, Magna Cumme Laude). She earned her M.Sc. and PhD (2002) at the Hebrew University in genetics and molecular biology. Prof. Gordon-Shaag's interest in vision science developed during her post-doctoral training at the University of Washington at the Hebrew University where she studied phototransduction.

In 2007, she established the Master's program in Optometry, at Hadassah Academic College, and was the Director of that program until 2013. Prof. Gordon-Shaag was the Chairperson of the Dept. of Optometry Hadassah College, Jerusalem, Israel, from 2014-2023. She recently was appointed Chair of the Interdisciplinary Faculty for Sciences, Health and Society.

Her current research interests are in cornea and keratoconus and the etiology of myopia. Gordon-Shaag has published many scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals on these topics. She has received a grant from the Binational Science Foundation to study "Environmental and Behavioral Factors Associated with Myopia."

Membership in Professional Organizations.
Fellow of the American Academy of Optometry and Optics.
Israel Society of Vision and Eye Research.


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Ariela Gordon-Shaag on Orchid


Prof. Gordon-Shaag is currently researching children's vision. In collaboration with Dr. Chen Stein-Zamir and Dr. Deena Zimmerman at the Jerusalem Office of the Ministry of Health and Prof. Bruce Moore from New England College of Optometry they are studying the epidemiology of refractive errors in preschool children.

Together they are working to develop best practices for screening kids at Mother Child Health Centers (Tipat Halav).

Her collaboration with Dr. Lisa Ostrin from the University of Houston looks at the impact of light exposure on the development of myopia in Children. Prof. Gordon-Shaag and Dr. Ostrin, along with Dr. Einat Shneor and Dr. Ravid Doron from the Dept. of Optometry, were awarded a Binational Science Foundation grant to study this topic. 

Prof. Gordon-Shaag has been collaborating with Dr. Einat Shneor and Prof. Michel Millodot for over a decade researching the epidemiology and etiology of keratoconus. Their findings have been published in many papers in peer reviewed journals. Their current research is on the prevalence of corneal abnormalities in family members of people with keratoconus.


Selected Review Articles


Gordon-Shaag A, Millodot M, Shneor E, Liu Y. The genetic and environmental factors for keratoconus. Biomed Res Int.( 2015) May 2015:795738. Open Access Link

Gordon-Shaag A, Shneor E and Millodot M. The epidemiology and etiology of keratoconus: a review. Int. J. of KC & Ectat. Corneal Dis. 2012 1:7-15 Open Access Link

Selected Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals

Shneor E, Ostrin LA, Doron R, Benoit JS, Levine J, Davidson K, Gordon-Shaag A. Baseline characteristics in the Israel refraction, environment, and devices (iREAD) study. Sci Rep. 2023 Feb 17;13(1):2855. Open Access

Gordon-Shaag A, Ben-Eli H, Sztrigler Cohen O, Toledano M, Benyamin A, Stein-Zamir C. Adherence to referrals from preschool vision screening and identification of barriers for non-adherence in Israel. Clin Exp Optom. 2023 Mar;106(2):202-210. Open Access

Doron R, Gordon-Shaag A, Shneor E, Goldstein A, Ostrin LA. Objective quantification of viewing behaviours during printed and electronic tasks in emmetropic and myopic ultra-Orthodox Jewish men. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2023 May;43(3):337-346.  Open Access

Shneor E, Doron R, Ostrin LA, Gordon-Shaag A. The prevalence of refractive errors in college students in Israel. J Optom. 2022 Oct-Dec;15(4):284-292. doi: 10.1016/j.optom.2021.09.001. Epub 2021 Dec 28. Open Access

Shneor, E.; Doron, R.; Levine, J.; Zimmerman, D.R.; Benoit, J.S.; Ostrin, L.A.; Gordon-Shaag, A. Objective Behavioral Measures in Children before, during, and after the COVID-19 Lockdown in Israel. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 8732. Open Access Link

Gordon-Shaag A, Shneor E, Doron R, Levine J, Ostrin LA. Environmental and Behavioral Factors with Refractive Error in Israeli Boys. Optom Vis Sci. 2021 Aug 1;98(8):959-970.

open access link

Gordon-Shaag A, Shneor E, Doron R, Levine J and Ostrin LA. Environmental and Behavioral Factors with Refractive Error in Israeli Boys. Accepted for publication, Optometry and Vision Science, April. 2021, Open Access Link 

Rajhans V, Eicher R, Strigler Cohen O, Gordon-Shaag A. A novel method of enhancing students’ involvement in reflective writing. The Clinical Teacher. 2021. Apr;18(2):174-17 Open Access Link

Shneor E, Isaacson M and Gordon-Shaag A. The number of optometrists is inversely correlated with blindness in OECD countries. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics. 2021 Jan;41(1):198-201.

Shneor E, Frucht-Pery J, Granit E and Gordon-Shaag A. The prevalence of corneal abnormalities in first-degree relatives of patients with keratoconus: a prospective case-control study. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics. July 2020, 40 (4): 442-451. 

Zimmerman, DR, Ben Eli H, Moore, B, Toledano, M Stein-Zamir, C and Gordon-Shaag, A., Evidence-Based Preschool-age Vision Screening: Health Policy Considerations. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research, Sept. 2019, 12;8(1): 70 Open Access Link

Gordon-Shaag A, Zimmerman DR, Shneor E. The epidemiology and treatment of conjunctivitis at Urgent Care Centres in Israel. Clin Ophthalmol. 2019 May 2;13:771-779. Open Access Link

Zimmerman DR, Shneor E, Millodot M, Gordon-Shaag A. Corneal and Conjunctival Injury Seen in Urgent Care Centres in Israel. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2019 Jan;39(1):46-52 

Ariela Gordon-Shaag, DAVID PIÑERO , Cyril Kahloun, David Markov , Tzadok Parnes, Liat Gantz. Validation of refraction and anterior segment parameters by a new multi-diagnostic platform (VX120). Journal of Optometry Optom. 2018 Oct - Dec;11(4):242-251.  Open Access Link

Gantz L, Gordon-Shaag A, Abousaid A, Serrero G, Fine P. (2016) Keratoconic Bi-aspheric Contact Lenses: A Case Series. International Journal of Keratoconus and Ectatic Corneal Diseases.5(3):132-138.

Shneor E, Evans BJ, Fine Y, Shapira Y, Gantz L, Gordon Shaag A. A survey of the criteria for prescribing in cases of borderline refractive errors. J Optom. 2016 Jan-Mar;9(1):22-31 
Open Access Link

Gordon-Shaag A, Millodot M, Kaiserman I, Sela T, Barnett Itzhaki G, Zerbib Y, Matityahu E, Shkedi S, Miroshnichenko S, Shneor E. Risk factors for keratoconus in Israel: a case-control study. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. (2015) Nov;35(6):673-81.*

Shneor E, Millodot M, Gordon-Shaag A, Essa M, Anton M, Barbara R and Barbara A. Prevalence of Keratoconus among Young Arabs students in Israel. Int. Journal of KC & Ect. Corneal Dis. (2014)

Shneor E, Millodot M, Barnard S, Gantz L, Koslowe K and Gordon-Shaag A. Prevalence of congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium (CHRPE) in Israel. (2014) May;34(3):385. Ophth. & Phys. Optics.

Gordon-Shaag A, Barnard S, Millodot M, Gantz L, Chiche G, Elbaz V, Wolff R, Pinchasov R, Gosman Z, Simchi M, Koslowe K and Shneor E. Prevalence of choroidal nevi using Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscope. (2014) Ophth. & Phys. Optics Jan;34(1):94-101.

Gordon-Shaag A, Millodot M, Essa M, Garth J, Ghara M, and Einat Shneor. Is consanguinity a risk factor for keratoconus? 2013 Optom Vis Sci. May;90(5):448-54.

Shames H, Goldberg S, Kahloun C, Fine P, Gal E, Rosen D, Goldstein J and Gordon–Shaag A. Self Induced Digital Pressure associated with Significant Transient Corneal distortions in a Pediatric Patient- A Multi Disciplinary Approach. (2013) , J. Optom. Oct. 6(4): 219–224

Zimmerman DR, Ben-Eli H, Moore B, Toledano M, Stein-Zamir C, Gordon-Shaag A. Evidence-based preschool-age vision screening: health policy considerations. Isr  J Health Policy Res. 2019 Sep 12;8(1):70. 

  1. Pnevmatikos, J.L. Patry, A. Weinberger, L. Linortner, S. Weyringer , R. Eichler-Maron and A.Gordon-Shaag.“Combining Values and Knowledge Education for lifelong transformative learning”, Lifelong Learning: Concepts, Benefits and Challenges E. Panitsides & J. Talbot (Eds), USA: Nova Science Publishers. 2015